Use our liaisoning experience
Legal, Tax, Compliance
Trademark & IP
A trademark is any unique expression related to a product or service that distinguishes it from other. It can be a brand name, logo, slogan, even a sound or smell. It can be bought, sold, transferred or renewed. A copyright is an exclusive right granted to an author over his/her work. Any audio/visual work can be copyrighted, from books, music, graphic design and movies to photographs, choreography, website design and even software code. Contracts: All businesses must have contracts (or legal documentation) in place for every deal they enter into, both internally (with employees, for example) and externally (with vendors and business partners).
Your Problem
Our Expertise
Your Solution
Trademark & IP
If you want to resolve a Legal, Tax or Compliance matter, use HelpdesQ to manage your issue.
HelpdesQ can optimize your time and effort by representing you to solve critical issues faced by you.
Using our relationship and expertise, we push for direct resolution utilizing our legal strength. We use our insights that are individually tailored to each case and its unique set of evolving circumstances.
HelpdesQ offers customized solutions across all legal services.
The result? Much needed relief from legal matters that protect your hard earned money and allow you to focus on your areas of significance and meaning.
My sister (NRI) and I have been struggling with the paperwork of our ancestral property in Odisha. HelpdesQ took this responsibility off our head! Now the work is in progress with transparency, ease and structure.
HelpdesQ got my FIR registered in 4 days in Bijnor Police Station after I approached them, after it seemed that this would not happen without bribes and delay of many weeks. The issue has been solved thanks to the timely registration of the FIR.
Real Estate
I had come to India and had less than two weeks in hand to get the TM & Registry for our Greater Noida Property. I approached HelpdesQ to assist. And I was amazed that both the complicated processes were completed in just a few days. It was a huge relief and cost effective, too. I went back without any stress!
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Please don’t hesitate to send us an email.